This is Abby. She is a sad pup rescued from the streets of Bulgaria. Poor Abby was hit by a car and actually got stuck in the car's frame! The driver pulled Abby out and took her to the vet. It turns out the poor girl's both front and back legs are broken. As if this were not enough, Abby also is sick with heartworm and ehrlichiosis! So much suffering in one innocent body!
Please help us raise the funds for Abby's surgeries and ehrlichiosis and heartworm treatment. This poor soul deserves a chance to be well and finally have a chance at love. Donate here: nonprofits/abby/352952
Complete album: media/set/ ?set=a.910506838971230.1073 742577.241467605875160&typ e=1
Thanks to your support, Abby recovered fully, was adopted, and is very happy with her family in Germany.
This is Abby. She is a sad pup rescued from the streets of Bulgaria. Poor Abby was hit by a car and actually got stuck in the car's frame! The driver pulled Abby out and took her to the vet. It turns out the poor girl's both front and back legs are broken. As if this were not enough, Abby also is sick with heartworm and ehrlichiosis! So much suffering in one innocent body!
Please help us raise the funds for Abby's surgeries and ehrlichiosis and heartworm treatment. This poor soul deserves a chance to be well and finally have a chance at love. Donate here:
Complete album:
Thanks to your support, Abby recovered fully, was adopted, and is very happy with her family in Germany.