Meet Einstein. This poor boy was found on the streets of Bulgaria in horrible pain. We don't know exactly what caused his injuries but Einstein turned out to have fractured pelvis, hip, and a fractured vertebrae. It's a miracle he even survived such heavy damage. The rescuers took Einstein in to the emergency vet and the orthopedic specialists immediately started on the 2 major surgeriesEinstein needs in order to survive and be able to walk again. Please consider making a donation to this sweet boy treatment, let's help him on the long road to recovery and rescue. Donate here: animal-aid-international-41 9867
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Meet Einstein. This poor boy was found on the streets of Bulgaria in horrible pain. We don't know exactly what caused his injuries but Einstein turned out to have fractured pelvis, hip, and a fractured vertebrae. It's a miracle he even survived such heavy damage. The rescuers took Einstein in to the emergency vet and the orthopedic specialists immediately started on the 2 major surgeriesEinstein needs in order to survive and be able to walk again. Please consider making a donation to this sweet boy treatment, let's help him on the long road to recovery and rescue. Donate here:
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