This is the horribly sad story of pup Maza from Serbia. We don't even want to imagine the kind of life Maza had but the horrible humans who she belonged to actually hanged her by the neck from a fence and left her to die! Locals saw the poor dog and called the police who then contacted the rescuers. By the time the rescuers arrived, they saw a crumpled dog who was likely already dead. Amazingly, Maza was still breathing!
The poor pup was taken to the vet in very critical condition and put on IVs and observation. It took hours but she stabilized. And then treatment started of the multiple wounds Maza has over her body. This sad soul was probably beaten on a regular basis throughout her life.
Please help us raise the funds for Maza's vet care. Let's give this unfortunate soul a fresh start and all the love she deserves. Donate here:
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