This is the story of 4 pups rescued in Bulgaria. The adorable siblings, 3 boys and a girl, were born on the streets and their Mom somehow managed to feed and protect them. Unfortunately, Mom fell victim to all too common cruelty and was poisoned. With a dead Mom, the pups were at the mercy of the streets. Thankfully, kind people alerted the rescuers who took the babies in. Yanush turned out to be relatively healthy outside of being very hungry and having parasites. Marvel has swelling and infection in the side of his head. Hope has an eye infection, and poor Charlie had a large wound caused by foxtail grass embedded deep inside his ear.
Please help us raise the funds for the treatment of this sweet little family. Let's give them a chance to be healthy and start on their path to happiness and forever homes. Donate here: animal-aid-international-40 2815
Complete album: media/set/ ?set=a.957211730967407.1073 742654.241467605875160&typ e=3
This is the story of 4 pups rescued in Bulgaria. The adorable siblings, 3 boys and a girl, were born on the streets and their Mom somehow managed to feed and protect them. Unfortunately, Mom fell victim to all too common cruelty and was poisoned. With a dead Mom, the pups were at the mercy of the streets. Thankfully, kind people alerted the rescuers who took the babies in. Yanush turned out to be relatively healthy outside of being very hungry and having parasites. Marvel has swelling and infection in the side of his head. Hope has an eye infection, and poor Charlie had a large wound caused by foxtail grass embedded deep inside his ear.
Please help us raise the funds for the treatment of this sweet little family. Let's give them a chance to be healthy and start on their path to happiness and forever homes. Donate here:
Complete album: