Meet Shen. He is a sad older doggie rescued from the streets of Bulgaria. He was likely homeless all his life and a couple of days ago suffered what so many streets pups experience - he was hit by a car. Shen sustained a jaw fracture and a broken leg. Thankfully, neither injury is life-threatening and Shen is expected to make a full recovery following surgery and rehabiliation. Please donate to this sweet pup and help us give Shen a fresh start and a life free of pain. Donate here:
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Thanks to your support, Shen recovered completely and has been adopted. His forever Mom tells us when he got home and got a chance to see the yard, he curled up under a bush - this is how the poor boy had survived all his life until now :( Thankfully, Shen now has a warm safe home, a cozy bed, and humans who love him. Before too long, he will forget all about life on the streets!