Meet Riley. This sweet boy was rescued from the streets of Romania. He was scared and alone and the volunteer rescuers saved his life by taking him away from an existence filled with abuse, suffering, deprivation, and disease. However, Riley needs a little more help. This adorable big pup has been limping and in pain. The rescuers took him in for testing and exams and it turns out Riley has hip dysplasia and cartilage detachment. Unfortunately, surgery itself won't be sufficient to correct the problem and Riley would still be in pain. Over time, he would keep doing damage to his leg and keep losing mobility as well. The solution for Riley is basically hip replacement - a complex surgery which involves the implantation of a hip prosthesis. This way Riley will be able to walk free of pain and without losing his leg.
This sweet boy has the potential for a long and happy life ahead of him. And he needs out help in becoming healthy enough to be adopted. Please donate any amount you can spare to poor Riley and share his fundraiser. Let's show this adorable soul that he matters and is loved!
Thanks to your support Riley had successful surgery, recovered fully, and has been adopted in the UK!